Tired of Running on Empty? Thrive with Total Life Coaching:

Unleash your energy, elevate your well-being and ignite your leadership impact. Personalised coaching for success beyond tools and band-aids.

man wearing green polo shirt
man wearing green polo shirt

Tired of Running on Empty? You're Not Alone

Feeling drained, juggling a million things and struggling to find your spark? I get it. You're an ambitious leader, a dedicated professional, maybe even a superhero in your family. But somewhere between the meetings, deadlines and to-do lists, you've lost sight of your well-being and your leadership impact.

You're not alone. Countless high-achievers like you are running on fumes, sacrificing their health and happiness for the sake of success. But what if there was a way to thrive instead of just survive?

Total Life Coaching is your oasis in the chaos. I'm not about quick fixes or Band-Aids. I'm about building a rock-solid foundation of well-being that fuels your energy, elevates your leadership and ignites your life.

Total Life Coaching isn't a quick fix, it's a transformation.

I'm not about temporary Band-Aids, I'm about building a rock-solid foundation of well-being that propels you to new heights. Total Life Coaching is your personalised road map to achieving this. I offer:

  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions: Your safe space to discuss your challenges, with the support you need to create sustainable solutions, combined with developing effective communication and problem-solving skills and unlock your full leadership potential.

  • 360 Feedback: Gain valuable insights from colleagues and peers, identify areas for growth and build a collaborative, motivated team.

  • Deep Health Assessment: Uncover the root causes of your exhaustion and stress and create a personalised wellness plan to optimise your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

  • Stress Management Techniques: Equip yourself with proven mindfulness, breathing and time management strategies to navigate stress with grace and maintain emotional balance.

  • Nutrition and Fitness Guidance: Discover ways to fuel your body and mind with healthy eating habits and a sustainable exercise routine for increased energy and focus.

  • Mental Health and Well-being Support: Enhance your emotional awareness, build resilience and address anxiety to maintain mental clarity and decision-making abilities.

  • Work-Life Balance Strategies: Set clear boundaries, master time management techniques and reclaim your personal life without sacrificing professional success.

  • Regular Progress Tracking: I stay in your corner, providing ongoing support, tracking your progress and tailoring your plan as needed to ensure continuous growth and well-being.

From Empty to Empowered: Ignite Your Leadership with Total Life Coaching

Total Life Coaching isn't just about surviving, it's about thriving.

It's about rediscovering your spark, reigniting your leadership and living a life that truly ignites your soul.

Here’s how I will ignite your potential:

  • Leadership Excellence: Develop powerful communication and delegation skills, inspire your team and achieve greater success.

  • Stress & Emotional Resilience: Reduce stress, build emotional intelligence and navigate challenges with confidence.

  • Physical & Mental Fitness: Boost energy levels, improve sleep and adopt healthy habits for a stronger, healthier you.

  • Work-Life Harmony: Set boundaries, manage time effectively and reclaim your personal life without sacrificing success.

  • Sharp Focus & Clarity: Reduce distractions, improve focus and make informed decisions with a clear mind.

  • Fulfilment & Purpose: Discover your passion, achieve your goals and live a life that truly matters.

Ready to unleash your inner leader and thrive in work & life?

Take the first step today towards impactful leadership and sustainable well-being.

man in white dress shirt and black pants sitting on the sidewalk during daytime
man in white dress shirt and black pants sitting on the sidewalk during daytime

Clients say:

“After a year of mounting conflicts in my life which left me wondering whether I am desperate to retire or whether I am simply in need of renewed vigour in my career, I have been circling for weeks. Just one session with Jim at a time when I feel ready to put some changes in place, has left me with a much needed and renewed energy following a festive break during which I had the head space to do some constructive thinking. Jim has helped me order my thoughts and shape a plan I can start taking forwards. Still much to do, but a great positive foundation on which to build … and build, hopefully.”

Catherine H, Program Lead

"Coaching is a thing that you instinctively know you need, sometimes it’s just hard to know where to start or if the chemistry is going to be right. You're reading this so you know now you can start with Total Life Coaching, as for the chemistry - that's what the taster session is for! And there's a new reality to gain with new balance and realisation of what it is that actually matters to you. I'd say it's been revolutionary for me and all it took was that one initial phone call. Jim is a person that you quickly come to trust and someone who shows genuine empathy and understanding for your issues. He listens intently and asks really thought-provoking and insightful questions that help you clarify your thinking and see a way forward."

Aleksandra W, Director of Delivery

Leaders Under the Microscope: Leadership Wellness Stats that Might Surprise You!

Exhausted Leaders Cost Companies $500 Billion/Year: Is It Time for a Leadership Health Check?

A 2023 Gallup study found that 74% of burned-out executives experience chronic health issues, leading to absenteeism and decreased productivity.

Chronic Stress Shrinks Your Leadership Brain: Meditation is the Antidote.

Stanford University research showed that chronic stress can shrink the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for memory, learning, and decision-making.

Junk Food Leaders Make Bad Decisions: Fuel Your Focus with the Right Food.

A Harvard study revealed that leaders who eat unhealthy diets have a 42% higher risk of making impulsive decisions.

Anxiety Shackles Your Leadership Potential: Unlock Your Strengths with Mental Fitness.

The World Health Organisation reports that depression and anxiety cost global businesses $1 trillion annually in lost productivity.

Always-On Leaders Burn Out Fast: Set Boundaries and Reignite Your Passion.

A McKinsey & Company survey found that 70% of executives who work more than 50 hours per week experience burnout, leading to higher turnover and decreased team morale.

FAQs for Thriving Leaders: Unwind, Lead, Rise

Q: Lost in the maze of leadership coaching?

A: I'm your map! Learn how a well-being and leadership coach helps you ditch overwhelm, find clarity and achieve your personal and professional goals.

Q: Feeling stuck and unsure where to start?

A: I personalise your journey. Identify challenges, develop action plans and watch your confidence and performance soar.

Q: Worried coaching is just a fancy "pep talk"?

A: Nope! I equip you with skills, self-awareness and stress-busting techniques for lasting success.

Q: Total Life Coaching – what's different?

A: I go beyond the surface! Your physical, mental, emotional and professional well-being get a holistic upgrade.

Q: Unlike other coaches, I...

A: Dive deep into root causes, personalise plans, build confidence and offer ongoing support for lasting transformation.

Q: Busy schedule? No problem!

A: Flexible plans, remote options and mobile tools let you fit coaching into your life, not the other way around.

Q: Proof positive? Check out these success stories!

A: Real people, real results. Witness how Total Health Coaching ignited their leadership potential.

Q: Invest in yourself, reap the rewards.

A: Transparent pricing, clear value and evidence-based results make your investment worthwhile.

Q: Ready to unlock your inner leader? Let's go!

A: Booking your first session is easy. Get personalised guidance and start thriving today.

Q: Unravel your potential, session by session.

A: I work at your pace, whether it's weekly sprints or marathon sessions.

Q: Your program, your timeline.

A: I tailor the journey to your specific goals and challenges.

Q: Between sessions? Stay empowered!

A: Self-coaching exercises, resources and tools let you keep up the momentum.

Q: Accountability + motivation = success!

A: Tips, techniques and a supportive community ensure you stay on track.

Q: Worried it's not for you? No sweat!

A: Track your progress, make adjustments and find the perfect fit for your path to leadership greatness.